PURPOSE- The ultimate skin rejuvenation treatment with instant visible improvement. Minimal downtime, this treatment boosts skin’s natural repair functions, working to correct visible skin flaws.
PURPOSE – The ultimate skin rejuvenation treatment with instant visible improvement. Minimal downtime, this treatment boosts skin’s natural repair functions, working to correct visible skin flaws.
This power – packed, skin peeling treatment offers dramatic results in skin condition and appearance.
Incorporates 3 peels – enzyme peel, potent Vitamin A peel and 5 acids peel, as well as a peeling exfoliation and enzyme hydration mask.
WHAT SKIN CONDITIONS – Wrinkles, lines, dehydration, dull sallow skin. Acne, blackheads and milia. Enlarged pores, acne scars, coarse skin texture. Pigmentation. Dehydration. If pregnant, omit the potent Vitamin A peel.
PURPOSE – This high potency skin peel incorporates 5 different hydroxy acids, each working on a different level of the skin. These include alpha hydroxy acids to promote minimisation of skin imperfections such as lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores and pigmentation. The salicylic acid helps dislodge oil blockages including blackheads for a smoother appearance. The poly hydroxy acids promote cellular turnover and encourage skin.
PURPOSE – Retinol is a Vitamin A derivative that helps skin’s cellular turnover whilst helping preserve collagen levels. This potent Vitamin A peel helps to promote skin peeling and exfoliation to eradicate signs of skin damage. Visible peeling may be evident in the following days.
WHAT SKIN CONDITIONS – Suitable for skin that is in need of mid-high level exfoliation for the improvement of skin’s appearance and condition including wrinkles, facial lines, scars, pigmentation, acne, scars, surface dryness and dehydration.
PURPOSE – To soften skin for a dewy, more youthful appearance. Transforms skin to a new level of tactile. Downtime is minimal.
WHAT SKIN CONDITIONS – Ideal for dry, dehydrated conditions and dull, leathery complexions. The tactile improvement is evident after the very first peel.
PURPOSE – A non-invasive, skin refining facial treatment incorporating microdermabrasion manual exfoliation, Resurfacing Skin Rejuvenation Peel and Intensive Correction Mask.
WHAT SKIN CONDITIONS – Recommended weekly for skin resurfacing. Helps to assist to minimise appearance of pores, skin coarseness, deep lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, sun damage, acne and acne scarring. Helps control blackheads, milia and blemishes. No downtime, non-traumatic, non- invasive treatment. Works to boost skin functionality and hydration.